A Gratitude Journal entry

When ‘ lockdown ‘ started, I call it ‘ The Big Pause ‘, but when June arrived I renamed
It ‘The Infinite Present ‘ in my gratitude journal, to help me stay focused on what was positive
About the here and now and all that I had to be grateful for !
As I was looking back on my entries for this past month, I notice how the same themes
Re occur, and that has really helped me realise and appreciate people, places and things that 
Are important to me -including my own amazing self !!!
June 1st Grateful for blue sky, sunshine,fresh air and the pleasure of a walk round Pymms Park .
I discovered the historic walled garden, and it was planted out with beautiful peonies – a  joy
To behold and a wonderful surprise find!
June 4th Grateful for growing sense of my own adaptability to change – noticed difference
In daily pace and structure of my life, but I actually like it and feel a growing sense of
Calm and contentment .
June 10 th Grateful for technology ! The access to Zoom and u tube has been great for   
Joining live yoga classes like I did today, and got Also arranged a Bookclub group
Meeting via Zoom for next week – will be great to see everyone again and share opinions !
June 13 th Grateful for the way my herbs have grown so quickly from tiny seeds. – miraculous!!
June 17 th Grateful for connecting with old friends I meant to call but haven ‘t !
Also so glad I ‘ve still got a landline phone to call them on theirs at home – it seems to

Confirm the comforting feeling that we ‘re all in it together !
June 19 th Grateful for sense of anticipation at the prospect of the Premier League resuming next year – a taster today was the promise of loads of matches to watching a short time 
June 25 th Grateful for my garden and the sense of pleasure  and opportunity for creativity
It brings ! Outside reading a great book till nearly 10p.m. – what more can I ask for ?!!!
Looking ahead positively to the ‘new normal ‘ and reconnecting to everyday life, my love
Of fashion is beginning to re- emerge, and I can ‘t wait to wear my new ,guaranteed to be
Socially distant, outfit. !!!!


Author: Martine Drake
Posted on: 16th July 2020